
The core data object used in pliers is something called a Stim (short for stimulus). A Stim instance is a lightweight wrapper around any one of several standard file or data types: a video file, an image, an audio file, or some text. Under the hood, pliers uses other Python libraries to support most operations on the original files (e.g., MoviePy for video and audio files, and pillow/PIL for images).


We can minimally initialize new Stim instances by passing in a filename to the appropriate class initializer. Alternatively, some Stim types also accept a data argument that allows initialization from an appropriate data type instead of a file (e.g., a numpy array for images, a string for text, etc.). Examples:

from pliers.stimuli import VideoStim, ImageStim, TextStim

# Initialize from files
vs = VideoStim('my_video_file.mp4')
img1 = ImageStim('first_image.jpg')

# Initialize a TextStim from a string
text = TextStim("this sentence will be represented as a single token of text")

# Initialize an ImageStim from a random RGB array
img_data = np.random.uniform(size=(100, 100, 3))
img2 = ImageStim(data=img_data)

In general, users will rarely have a need to directly manipulate Stim classes, beyond them passing them around to Extractors. In fact, it’s often not necessary to initialize Stims at all, as you can generally pass a list of string filenames to any Extractor (with some caveats discussed below).

All Stim classes expose a number of attributes that provide some information about the associated stimulus. Most notably, the .filename and .name attributes store the names of the source file (e.g., my_movie.mp4) and an (optional) derived name, respectively.

Types of Stims

At present, Pliers supports 4 primary types of stimuli: video files (VideoStim), audio files (AudioStim), images (ImageStim), and text (TextStim). Some of these Stim classes also have derivative or related subclasses that provide additional functionality. For example, the ComplexTextStim class internally stores a collection of TextStims; most commonly, it is used to represent a sequence of words (e.g., as in a paragraph of coherent text), where each word is represented as a single TextStim, and the ComplexTextStim essentialy serves as a container that provides some extra tools (in particular, it provides useful methods for initializing multiple TextStims from a single data source and retaining onset and duration information for each word). Similarly, a VideoFrameStim is a subclass of ImageStim that stores information about its location within an associated VideoStim.

The current Stim hierarchy in pliers (ignoring CompoundStim classes discussed below) includes:

AudioStim([filename, onset, sampling_rate, ...])

Represents an audio clip.

ImageStim([filename, onset, duration, data, url])

Represents a static image.

TextStim([filename, text, onset, duration, ...])

Any simple text stimulus--most commonly a single word.

VideoStim([filename, onset, url, clip])

A video.

VideoFrameStim(video, frame_num[, duration, ...])

A single frame of video.

VideoFrameCollectionStim([filename, ...])

A collection of video frames.

ComplexTextStim([filename, onset, duration, ...])

A collection of text stims (e.g., a story), typically ordered and with onsets and/or durations associated with each element.

SeriesStim([data, filename, onset, ...])

Represents a pandas Series as a pliers Stim.

CompoundStim classes

In many real-world applications, we need to extract features from objects more complex than just text, audio, or images. To facilitate analysis of a wider range of objects, pliers defines a CompoundStim class that serves as a unified container for any number of other Stim classes. Every CompoundStim class defines which Stim classes it’s allowed to contain as components. These components are automatically available as attributes of the CompoundStim with standard Python variable names based on the class names (e.g., ImageStim and ComplexTextStim components would be available at .image and .complex_text, respectively).

For example, pliers defines a TranscribedAudioCompoundStim that’s used to represent an audio clip that’s been transcribed. This object internally stores both an AudioStim (containing the audio) and a ComplexTextStim (containing the transcribed text tokens and associated timing information). A TranscribedAudioCompoundStim is initialized by passing in exactly one of each of these components (e.g., tac = TranscribedAudioComponentStim(audio, text)).

One of the nice features of CompoundStim classes is that any pliers Transformer will automatically detect and process matching components inside the CompoundStim. For example, the TranscribedAudioCompoundStim can be passed to any Extractor that accepts either an AudioStim or a ComplexTextStim as input. This means that we don’t have to worry about specifying complicated rules for determining what input to provide to Transformers; in most cases, we can get the intended behavior just by naively passing Stims to a Transformer.

Consider this code:

from pliers.stimuli import TranscribedAudioCompoundStim
from pliers.graph import Graph

# assume we have audio and text Stims we're passing in
tac = TranscribedAudioCompoundStim(audio, text)

# Construct a Graph with two extractors
graph = Graph(['PartOfSpeechExtractor', 'RMSExtractor'])

# Apply the extractors to the Stim
result = graph.transform(tac)

The above code should complete gracefully, returning a pandas DataFrame that combines the part-of-speech information extracted from the text component of the TranscribedAudioCompoundStim with root-mean-square energy extracted from the audio component.

Existing classes derived from CompoundStim include:


A container for an arbitrary set of Stim elements.

TranscribedAudioCompoundStim(audio, text)

An AudioStim with an associated text transcription.


Represents the text and associated media from a single tweet.

Beyond these predefined classes, new CompoundStim classes are usually very easy to define. For example, here’s the entire definition of the TranscribedAudioCompoundStim in pliers:

class TranscribedAudioCompoundStim(CompoundStim):

    _allowed_types = (AudioStim, ComplexTextStim)
    _allow_multiple = False
    _primary = AudioStim

    def __init__(self, audio, text):
        super(TranscribedAudioCompoundStim, self).__init__(elements=[audio, text])

As you can see, not much work is required. All we have to do is indicate (a) which Stim types are allowed as components of the CompoundStim, (b) whether or not multiple instances of the same type are allowed (in this case, it doesn’t make sense to allow a transcribed audio clip to contain multiple audio clips or text transcriptions), and (c) what the primary component type is (which is used to define the name and original filename of the CompoundStim as a whole).

Intelligent loading

In most cases, Stim instances don’t have to be initialized directly by the user, as pliers will usually be able to infer the correct file type if filenames are passed directly to a Transformer (i.e., my_extractor.transform(‘my_file.mp4’) will usually work, without first needing to do something like stim = VideoStim(‘my_file.mp4)). That said, it’s generally a good idea to explicitly initialize one’s Stims, because the initializers often take useful additional arguments, and file-type detection is also not completely foolproof.

As a sort of half-way approach that allows you to explicitly create a set of Stim objects, but doesn’t require you to import a bunch of Stim classes, or even know what type of object you need, there’s also a convenient load_stims method that attempts to intelligently guess the correct file type using python-magic (this is what pliers uses internally if you pass filenames directly to a Transformer). The following two examples produce identical results:

# Approach 1: initialize each Stim directly
from pliers.stimuli import VideoStim, ImageStim, AudioStim, TextStim
stims = [

# Approach 2: a shorter but potentially fallible alternative
from pliers.stimuli import load_stims
stims = load_stims(['my_video.mp4', 'my_image.jpg', 'my_audio.wav', 'my_text.txt'])

As you can see, mixed file types (and hence, heterogeneous lists of Stims) are supported–though, again, we encourage you to use homogeneous lists wherever possible, for clarity.

Iterable Stims

Some Stim classes are naturally iterable, so pliers makes it easy to iterate their elements. For example, a VideoStim is made up of a series of VideoFrameStims, and a ComplexTextStim is made up of TextStims. Looping over the constituent elements is trivial:

>>> from pliers.stimuli import ComplexTextStim
>>> cts = ComplexTextStim(text="This class method uses the default nltk word tokenizer, which will split this sentence into a list of TextStims, each representing a single word.")
>>> for ts in cts:
>>>    print(ts.text)

You can also directly access the constituent elements within the containing Stim if you need to (e.g., VideoStim.frames or ComplexTextStim.elements). Note that, for efficiency reasons, these properties will typically return generators rather than lists (e.g., retrieving the .frames property of a VideoStim will return a generator that reads frames lazily). You can always explicitly convert the generator to a list (e.g., frames = list(video.frames)), just be aware that your memory footprint may instantly balloon in cases where you’re working with large media files.

Timing information

Some Stim classes inherently have a temporal dimension (e.g., VideoStim and AudioStim). However, even a static Stim instance such as an ImageStim or a TextStim will often be assigned .onset and .duration properties during initialization. Typically, this happens because the static Stim is understood to be embedded within some temporal context. Consider the following code:

>>> vs = VideoStim('my_video.mp4')
>>> frame_200 = vs.get_frame(200)
>>> print(frame_200.onset, frame_200.duration)
6.666666666666667, 0.03333333333333333

Assume the above video runs at ~30 frames per second. Then, when we retrieve the 200th video frame, the result is a VideoFrameStim that, in addition to storing a numpy array in its .data attribute (i.e., the actual image content of the frame), also keeps track of (a) the onset of the frame (in seconds) relative to the start of the source video file, and (b) the duration for which the VideoFrameStim is supposed to be presented (in this case 1/30 seconds).

Although Stim onsets and/or durations will usually be set implicitly by pliers, in some cases it makes sense to explicitly set a Stim’s temporal properties at initialization. For example, suppose we’re processing log files from a psychology experiment where we presented a series of images to each subject in some predetermined temporal sequence. Even though each image is completely static, we may want pliers to keep track of the onset and duration of each image presentation with respect to the overall session. Assume we’ve processed our experiment log file to the point where we have a list of triples, with filename, onset, and duration of presentation as the elements in each tuple, respectively. Then we can easily construct a list of temporally aligned ImageStims:

# A list of images, with each tuple representing
# the filename, onset, and duration, respectively.
image_list = [
    ('image1.jpg', 0, 2),
    ('image2.jpg', 3, 2),
    ('image3.jpg', 6, 2),

images = []
for (filename, onset, duration) in image_list:
    img = ImageStim(filename, onset=onset, duration=duration)

If we now run the images list through one or more ImageExtractors, the resulting ExtractorResults or pandas DataFrame will automatically log the correct onset and duration.

Transformation history

Although most Stim instances are initialized directly from a media file, in some cases, Stims will be dynamically generated by applying a Converter or Filter to one or more other Stims. For example, pliers implements several different API-based speech recognition converters, all of which take an AudioStim as input, and return a ComplexTextStim as output. Because the newly-generated Stim instance is not tied to a file, it’s important to have some way of tracking its provenance. To this end, every Stim contains a .history attribute. The history is represented as an object of class TransformationLog, which is just a glorified namedtuple. It contains fields that track the name, class, and/or filename of the source (or original) Stim, the newly generated Stim, and the Transformer responsible for the transformation.

For example, this code:

from pliers.converters import VideoToAudioConverter
from pliers.stimuli import VideoStim

video = VideoStim('../pliers/tests/data/video/obama_speech.mp4')
audio = VideoToAudioConverter().transform(video)

Produces this output:

















Here we only have a single row (in the above table, the first row contains what would normally be displayed as the column names), but every transformation we perform will log another row in the Stim’s history. In cases with more than one transformation, the history object will also have a parent field, which stores a reference to the previous transformation in the chain. This means that TransformationLog objects basically form a linked list that allows us to trace the full history of any Stim all the way back to some source file. If we ask for the string representation of a history object (i.e., str(history)), we get a compact representation of the full trajectory. So, for example, if we load a VideoStim that then gets converted in turn to an AudioStim and then a ComplexTextStim (e.g., via speech-to-text transcription), the transformation history will look something like ‘VideoStim->VideoToAudioConverter/AudioStim->IBMSpeechAPIConverter/ComplexTextStim’.